How much does energy from wastewater cost?

Depending on the background conditions on site, the investment costs for recovering energy from wastewater using UHRIG’s Therm-Liner are around €500 to €1,000 per kW heat exchanger output. These costs include the production and installation of the heat exchangers including pipework to the drain. At locations where the conditions are good, energy from wastewater provides heat production costs of around 7 to 8 cents per kWh heat output. This is a full cost analysis of the complete technology. It includes

► Capital costs of the Therm-Liner including connecting pipes and house connection
► Capital costs of the heat pump
► Pump and heat pump electricity
► Cost of maintenance and repairs

The above amount is often compared with the pure procurement costs, such as gas tariffs. People often forget that these do not cover the capital costs of heating and the infrastructure. Many projects are now realised on a contracting basis, with the end customer being offered a fixed price in cents/kWh for heat or cold. This ensures transparency and good price stability. Customers, therefore, if they wish, have nothing to do with the operation or purchase of the plant. Instead, they are provided with heat and/or cold in a “worry-free” package at a fixed price.

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